App Time for Nap Time: The Parennials Are Here

Excerpt from this article:

Eighty-two percent of children born each year are born to millennial mothers. That’s five out of every six babies. And their parents — let’s call them “parennials” — are challenging all sorts of commonly held beliefs about the American family.

Let’s examine their innovations one at a time.

Millennials: Truths, Lies, and What They’re *Really* Doing on Their Smartphones

Excerpt from this article:

Precisely why young people differ from earlier generations is really rooted in what they consider to be the essential truths of their own generation. They believe:

  •     The old guard doesn’t care much for young people.
  •     Technology—smartly leveraged — can effectively turn longstanding power structures on their heads.
  •     Partisan politics offer limited solutions and fewer results to the most important issues of our time.

In this report, we’ll take a deep dive into:

  •     Part One: Young People’s Approach to Making the World Suck A Little Less
  •     Part Two: For Young People, The Future’s So (Sort Of) Bright
  •     Part Three: How Young People Get Busy, Online and Off
  •     Part Four: Why Politics is a Game Young People Don’t Want to Play

Read on. And let these young people surprise you.


‘The end of Trump’: how Facebook deepens millennials’ confirmation bias

Six out of every ten millennials (61%) get their political news on Facebook, according to a survey conducted by Pew Research Center.

Excerpt from this article:

For millennials who have never known an election without Facebook, the political landscape of the social media network has massive implications for the upcoming contest between Hillary Clinton and Trump – not least of which because of Facebook’s outsized influence on their exposure to political news.

Six out of every 10 millennials (61%) get their political news on Facebook, according to a survey conducted by Pew Research Center, making the 1.7 billion-user social behemoth (which includes more than 200 million in the United States) the largest millennial marketplace for news and ideas in the world. But within Facebook’s ecosystem exists a warren of walled gardens, intellectual biomes created by users whose interest in interacting with opposing political views – and those who are them – is nearly nonexistent.

“Baby boomers are the most likely to see political content on Facebook that supports their own views,” said Amy Mitchell, the director of journalism research at Pew Research Center. “Thirty-one percent of baby boomers on Facebook who pay attention to political posts say the posts they see are mostly or always in line with their own views, higher than both Gen Xers and millennials.”

But baby boomers are the least likely to get their political news from Facebook – unlike millennials.


Millennials Eat Up YouTube Food Videos

Excerpt from this article:

Whether consumers are looking for a flatbread recipe or watching their favorite foodie celebrity, food is thriving on YouTube. New research from Millward Brown Digital, Firefly, and Google delves into how YouTube is fueling the foodie fan culture, with insights into the audiences who devour food videos. They’re tuning in to watch videos that inspire, educate, or entertain. They’re loyal, passionate, and highly engaged, powering a 280% growth in food channel subscriptions over the past year.


Surprise! Online Mom Culture Might Be Helping Moms Feel More Confident


Excerpt from this article:

There’s been a long held assumption that competition and insecurity, rather than camaraderie and support, are the driving force behind the rise of online mom culture. A new report from Pew Research Center suggests otherwise.

In short: Millennial moms are more assured in their parenting and most likely to seek advice online. This suggests that the digital-mom universe is not the cesspool of judgment it is often made out to be. Those long Facebook threads about breast vs. bottle or co-sleeping vs. sleep-training, the endless think pieces on work/life balance, the viral personal essays—they’re all part of a vast and growing ecosystem. Too often labeled as “mommy wars,” those conversations seem to be doing more to make women confident of the mothers they are, rather than demoralized by the mothers they are not.



We’re Not Nearly as Busy as We Pretend to Be, According to a New Study

Excerpt from this article, which has a link to the study (itself a great read!):

The Havas study says pretending to be busy has become a vital workplace survival skill thanks to our modern society’s tacit celebration of being overloaded.

“Our issue with time seems to be not so much that we have too little of it, but that we now equate being busy with leading a life of significance,” the report notes. “And we don’t want to be relegated to the sidelines. In an essay in The New York Times, writer Tim Kreider observed, ‘Busyness serves as a kind of existential reassurance, a hedge against emptiness; obviously your life cannot possibly be silly or trivial or meaningless if you are so busy, completely booked, in demand every hour of the day.'”

“It’s a reflection,” Maleeny said. “There’s been a lot of talk of the hyper-connected world, and that’s only going to get more connected as our cars get smarter, as we enter the world of flying cars and talking toasters, and I think that as that emerges, it’s going to be harder to disconnect.”

How everyone will come to grips with the realities of living with more strings (or WiFi signals) attached is still forming. Maleeny said millennials at the “crest of the wave” of connectivity have brought along older generations. However, Maleeny added, unplugged holidays and daily meditation time through yoga could become more common.

“You’re starting to see some pushback,” he said. “The joy of missing out, or JOMO, if you like. But the social currency [of busyness] is still around.”

Information-Hungry Millennial Parents, Making It Hard on Themselves

Excerpt from this article:

My mother gave me a gift when my first baby was born. When my newborn daughter was released from the hospital… The gift was this: When June stirred in her car seat and started mewling… my mother waved me back over to the table.

…Meanwhile, unbeknownst to her, I had been scouring message boards and Facebook groups during June’s nursing sessions, and I had stumbled on discussions of every kind of parenting issue imaginable — things I didn’t even know were issues at all. Cord-clamping. Vitamin K shots. Chem-trails, whatever those were. And few issues were as contentious as simply “letting the baby cry,” as mom had suggested. I joined in, and soon found myself part of a forum of strongly opinionated women my age, all of them self-made experts who prided themselves on questioning authority and demanding “evidence-based” medicine. I wanted answers as well — ones backed by scrupulous, peer-reviewed research.

…Of the 10.8 million households with millennial parents at the helm, nearly all of them are frequent Internet users. Liberal, socially conscious, interconnected and peer-reliant, my segment of the millennial generation (wealthy in education and confidence, if not in our paychecks) has unprecedented access to what was once privileged information, as well as the opinions of their peers. We’ve become the experts, and as a result, we’re hyper-aware, constantly questioning, defensive. Baby boomer helicopter parents have nothing on us.

FOBO is new FOMO, says Facebook research

Excerpt from this article:

‘Fear of being offline’ is the new ‘fear of missing out’ for millennials, according to the first outputs from Facebook’s new insight unit, Facebook IQ.

According to the research, 75% of millennials refuse to leave the house without their phone… young people see no distinction between their online and offline lives. Mobile is also the “first screen”: nine out of 10 young people surveyed owned a smartphone, but the least-used function, according to the research, is to make a phone call.